We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)

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IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 61.0 (2 viewers)
Year: 2011
Runtime: 1h 52m
Rating: R
Countries: United Kingdom United States of America
Languages: EN
Keywords: Show more
Eva Khatchadourian is trying to piece together her life following the 'incident'. Once a successful travel writer, she is forced to take whatever job comes her way, which of late is as a clerk in a travel agency. She lives a solitary life as people who know about her situation openly shun her, even to the point of violent actions toward her. She, in turn, fosters that solitary life because of the incident, the aftermath of which has turned her into a meek and scared woman. That incident involved her son Kevin Khatchadourian, who is now approaching his eighteenth birthday. Eva and Kevin have always had a troubled relationship, even when he was an infant. Whatever troubles he saw, Franklin, Eva's complacent husband, just attributed it to Kevin being a typical boy. The incident may be seen by both Kevin and Eva as his ultimate act in defiance against his mother.
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