The Tin Drum (1979)

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The Tin Drum (1979) poster
Also Known as: Die Blechtrommel

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 83.0 (3 viewers)
Year: 1979
Runtime: 2h 22m
Rating: R
Countries: France Germany Poland Serbia and Montenegro
Languages: DE, HE, IT, PL, RU
Keywords: Show more
Danzig in the 1920s/1930s. Oskar Matzerath, son of a local dealer, is a most unusual boy. Equipped with full intellect right from his birth he decides at his third birthday not to grow up as he sees the crazy world around him at the eve of World War II. So he refuses the society and his tin drum symbolizes his protest against the middle-class mentality of his family and neighborhood, which stand for all passive people in Nazi Germany at that time. However, (almost) nobody listens to him, so the catastrophe goes on...
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