L'appartement (1996)

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L'appartement (1996) poster
Also Known as: The Apartment

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 60.0 (2 viewers)
Year: 1996
Runtime: 1h 56m
Rating: R
Countries: France
Languages: EN, FR, JA
Keywords: Show more
Max is on his way to Tokyo. He lives in Paris and likes to flirt but has decided to get married. By chance, he seems to have seen Lisa, his greatest love, in a cafe. Max forgets everything, his trip to Tokyo and his fiance. Obsessed with meeting Lisa he finds out where she lives and hides in the apartment. However, a different girl, called Alice, finds Max in the flat. Alice looks quite similar to Lisa, and they have sex. To complicate matters further, Alice is also the girlfriend of Max's buddy Lucien and Lisa is followed by an older man.
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