La Grande Illusion (1937)

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La Grande Illusion (1937) poster
Also Known as: Grand Illusion

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 92.5 (4 viewers)
Year: 1937
Runtime: 1h 54m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: France
Languages: EN, FR, DE, RU
Keywords: Show more
During 1st WW, two French officers are captured. Captain De Boeldieu is an aristocrat while Lieutenant Marechal was a mechanic in civilian life. They meet other prisoners from various backgrounds, as Rosenthal, son of wealthy Jewish bankers. They are separated from Rosenthal before managing to escape. A few months later, they meet again in a fortress commanded by the aristocrat Van Rauffenstein. De Boeldieu strikes up a friendship with him but Marechal and Rosenthal still want to escape...
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