Biyeolhan geori (2006)

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Logo Biyeolhan geori
Also Known as: A Dirty Carnival

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Other grades: 75.0 (2 viewers)
Year: 2006
Runtime: 2h 21m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: South Korea
Languages: KO
Byung-du is a 29-year-old career criminal, working for the middle-rank enforcer Sang-chul. Burdened with a terminally ill mother and taking care of younger siblings, Byung-du is feeling financial pressure as a substitute patriarch. When the big boss President Hwang is cornered by a corrupt prosecutor, Byung-du volunteers for a whack job and wins the big man's trust. However, his real trouble begins when friend Min-ho, an aspiring movie director, asks him to be a consultant for the latter's debut film.
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