Kaminey: The Scoundrels (2009)

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Kaminey: The Scoundrels (2009) poster
Also Known as: Kaminey

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 0.0 (0 viewers)
Year: 2009
Runtime: 2h 10m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: India
Languages: HI
Keywords: Show more
Guddu and Charlie are identical twins born and raised in the slums of Mumbai. They dream of leaving the squalor behind and moving into a life of prosperity and dignity. Though they look alike, the two are as different as chalk and cheese: one lisps while the other stammers; one is an honest, diligent social worker while the other hedges bets at a racecourse. The brothers want nothing to do with each other, but when Charlie gets mixed up in a deadly get-rich-quick scheme and Guddu realizes that the love of his life has unwittingly put a price on his head, their lives begin to collide. Faced with rogue politicians, drug dealers and crooked cops, they uncover a sinister plot laid out by the 'political-police-underworld' nexus. Their stories finally converge to a point when they realize they only have each other.
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