Angels' Brigade (1979)

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Angels' Brigade (1979) poster
Also Known as: Angels Revenge

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Other grades: 0.0 (0 viewers)
Year: 1979
Runtime: 1h 37m
Rating: PG
Countries: United States of America
Languages: EN
Meet six women and a teenage girl who never expected to risk their lives fighting for justice. A schoolteacher had seen one too many kids succumb to drugs. A Las Vegas entertainer learned her brother had been beaten by a drug pusher. A martial arts teacher knew how insidious drugs were among children. A top model knew that drugs were destroying her life. A stunt driver was in shock when her brother overdosed - on drugs! Add a nosy schoolgirl and a policewoman with a perm, and you've got the Angels Brigade. These women (and the girl, too) are sexy, smart - and dangerous! Just ask the right-wing militia these ladies have destroyed. But the evil fat cats pushing drugs to kids? Not even they are a match for these vengeful vixens. They just say POW! to drug pushers.
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