Fright Night 2 (2013)

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Also Known as: Fright Night 2: New Blood

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 40.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2013
Runtime: 1h 40m
Rating: R
Countries: Romania
Languages: EN
By day Gerri Dandridge is a sexy professor, but by night she transforms into a real-life vampire with an unquenchable thirst for human blood. So when a group of high school students travel abroad to study in Romania, they find themselves ensnared in Gerri's chilling web of lust and terror. Charley and 'Evil' Ed must stop Gerri from drinking and bathing in the blood of a 'new moon virgin,' which just so happens to be Charley's ex-girlfriend, Amy. They enlist help from Peter Vincent, the vampire hunting host of a reality show called 'Fright Night,' to drive a stake through Gerri's plan and save Amy from a fate far worse than death.
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