Mes parents un jour d'été (1990)

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Mes parents un jour d'été (1990) poster
Also Known as: My Parents on a Summer Day

IMDB  | TMDB  |  
Other grades: 40.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1990
Runtime: 11m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: France
Languages: XX
A man and his wife are having a holiday alone in their country house. The husband takes long rides on his bike while his wife is doing groceries and preparing meals. During a hike together, the woman is close to pushing her husband off a cliff, but eventually doesn't do it. Then they go home and play Scrabble, and the words 'couple', 'cheating' or 'conflict' are displayed. Eventually, they go to a cemetary and mourn over a grave without a name on it. The couple seems reunited.
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