The Intruder (2004)

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The Intruder (2004) poster
Also Known as: L'intrus

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 70.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2004
Runtime: 2h 10m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: France
Languages: EN, FR, KO, RU
Keywords: Show more
Louis Trebor, a man nearing 70, lives alone with dogs in the forest near the French-Swiss border. He has heart problems, seeks a transplant, and then goes in search of a son sired years before in Tahiti. Told elliptically, with few words, we see Louis as possibly heartless, ignoring a son who lives nearby who is himself an attentive father to two young children, one named for Louis. He leaves his bed one night - and his lover - to kill an intruder; he dreams, usually of violence. Will his body accept his heart? Will his son accept his offer?
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