Wandafuru raifu (1998)

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Wandafuru raifu (1998) poster
Also Known as: After Life

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 80.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1998
Runtime: 1h 58m
Rating: R
Countries: Japan
Languages: JA
Keywords: Show more
After people die, they spend a week with counselors, also dead, who help them pick one memory, the only memory they can take to eternity. They describe the memory to the staff who work with a crew to film it and screen it at week's end; eternity follows. 22 dead arrive that week, assigned to three counselors and a trainee. One old man cannot find a memory, so he watches videotape of his life. Others pick their memory quickly, and the film crew gets right to work. The trainee, 18-year-old Shiori, helps a teenage girl choose a memory other than Disneyland. The youthful staff have a secret and feelings, too, which play out, especially Shiori's affection for her mentor, Mochizuki
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