Voyage in Time (1983)

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Voyage in Time (1983) poster

IMDB  | TMDB  |  
Other grades: 70.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1983
Runtime: 1h 2m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: Italy
Languages: IT, RU
Like the Russian poet of 'Nostalghia', who, accompanied by his Italian guide and translator, traveled through Italy researching the life of an 18th-century Russian composer, Andrei Tarkovsky, accompanied by his Italian script-writer, Tonino Guerra, travels through Italy in order to find the locations for their common filmed effort. During this journey, Guerra constantly induces Tarkovsky to reflect on his work and on his past as a film-maker and a poet. The result will be the masterpiece 'Nostalghia'.
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