Xin xian he shen zhen (1993)

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Xin xian he shen zhen (1993) poster
Also Known as: The Magic Crane

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Other grades: 60.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1993
Runtime: 1h 33m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: Hong Kong
Languages: CN
Keywords: Show more
On his way to a congress of kung fu masters, an initiate falls from a high cliff, only to be rescued by lovely Tien Lam (Anita Mui), who rides a huge (and sorry-looking) crane. The rest of the movie features a battle between warring martial arts factions, an equally fierce rivalry between the two daughters of the Crane Master, the accidental empowerment of an unprincipled master after having eaten half of a secret scroll, a battle with an immense tortoise whose spleeny vapors save a group of poisoned swordsmen, lots of great aerial fights against nearly invincible villains, and the usual blood spurting from assorted mouths.
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