A Serbian Film (2010)

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Also Known as: Srpski film

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 64.0 (2 viewers)
Year: 2010
Runtime: 1h 44m
Rating: NC-17
Countries: Serbia and Montenegro
Languages: EN, SR, SV
Keywords: Show more
In Serbia, the retired porn star Milos is married with his beloved wife Marija and they have a little son, Peter, that is their pride and joy. The family is facing financial difficulties, but out of the blue, Milos is contacted by the porn actress Lejla that offers him a job opportunity in an art film. Milos is introduced to the director Vukmir that offers a millionaire contract to Milos to act in a film. However, Vukmir neither show the screenplay nor tell the story to Milos. Milos discuss the proposal with Marija and he signs the contract. But sooner he finds that Vukmir and his crew are involved in sick snuff films of pedophilia, necrophilia and torture and there is no way back to him and maybe it is too late to protect his family.
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